Picking the Right Shrubs for Your Landscape

Lawn Care Tampa | SouthernGreenUSA.comCreating a beautiful lawn doesn’t mean just growing grass – it also means adding shrubs and ornamental plants to your landscape. Here are some great options for Florida homeowners:

  • African Iris – This is a low-maintenance plant that is known for producing pale yellow flowers in spring. You can select this shrub when you are seeking a selection that has a high dry season tolerance, is resistant to pests, and looks natural within your landscape. Many professionals like this option for borders.
  • Crown of Thorn – A small, cactus-like plant, the crown of thorn is generally selected for people who want to keep animals and people out of their landscape. It has thorns on the stem of the plant, as well as little red flowers that bloom all year long.
  • Aloe – Many Florida homeowners love planting aloe in their yards. This plant does very well in dry conditions and is useful beyond appearance.  The aloe plant has a green leaf that can be used to help soothe burns- especially those Florida sunburns. When you start work on your landscape, a good aloe plant is a wise choice and can also help you recover when you’re finished.

Once you have planted your shrubs, you can have the specialists at Southern Green provide you with ornamental tree and shrub care services. Our business offers lawn care in Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando, and South Florida.