Weed Problems in St. Augustinegrass Lawns

Lawn Care Orlando FL | SouthernGreenUSA.comHaving weeds in your St. Augustinegrass lawn is frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be! Taking care of these problems is one of the issues the talented Southern Green team can assist you with. When you come to us for lawn care in Orlando, FL, or Jacksonville, Tampa, or Miami, you will be able to give your lawn the nourishment and power it needs to fight weeds.

Typically, most weed problems start when your landscape has not been mowed properly, not received the proper fertilization, or is just simply not being cared for at all. Hiring our team or starting your own lawn management program is the first step to taking care of your weeds. If there is still a problem after you start a program, then you may need to choose an herbicide to get rid of those weeds. Always use a preemergence herbicide for your lawn. The packaging should note that it is made for St. Augustinegrass. Once you have picked the right herbicide, it is vital to apply it around the end of winter. It should be below 85 degrees and not moist out when you apply your herbicide.

Do you have any questions about maintaining your lawn? Call us at (866) 767-0772 today!