Tag: orlando lawn care

Establishment Methods for Your Lawn

Orlando Lawn CareBuilding the perfect lawn does not have to be complicated. Any homeowner can take care of their landscape by choosing the proper establishment method when developing or updating their lawn. As a Florida resident, you have to follow different rules and use grass that people in other states cannot follow.

When it comes to local turfgrass species, selections like St. Augustinegrass can only be established with sod, sprigs, or plugs, as seeds are not available or cannot germinate properly. If the grass can be established by seed, then the grass has to produce enough seeds that it can accurately establish itself. Bahiagrass, centipedegrass, and bermudagrass can be efficiently established by seeds. Before you select seeds or vegetative methods, you should consider the amount of time you have to devote to the process.

The team at Southern Green can help you keep your lawn looking fabulous once it has been fully established. Through our Jacksonville, Tampa, and Orlando lawn care services, our team does what we can to keep weeds and pests out, as well as makes sure everything looks magnificent all year long. Contact us today at (866) 767-0772 to inquire about our services and make an appointment today. Our team is happy to give you advice on the best establishment methods for your landscape.

Doing Your Research on Organic Lawn Care Products – Part 2

Orlando Lawn Care | SouthernGreenUSA.comCaring for your landscape with organic products starts with deep research. We have put together some more questions you should take into consideration before making the investment in organic lawn care products:

  • What Problems Do People Have with Application? – Many times, people tend to shy away from organic fertilizers and pest control products because they have issues with strong odors or ingredients that, while organic, can be toxic to grass and other plants. While doing your research, you should try to look for any information regarding smell or toxicity. If these issues don’t bother you, then you may decide to start using the product!
  • Is the Price Worth the Investment? – Before making the investment, you should check that the amount of money you are spending is worth it. Many organic products have great results but the price outweighs the benefits. Additionally, you may find that you have to spend more to achieve a result that you could have realized by hand. For example, you could pull weeds manually and clean up the problem areas instead of spending a lot of money on a weed removal product.

From lawn pest control and fertilization services to aeration and shrub care, the specialists at Southern Green are here to assist you with your lawn. We offer Orlando lawn care services, in addition to Jacksonville, Miami, and Tampa services.

Developing an Irrigation Plan

Orlando Lawn Care | SouthernGreenUSA.comInstalling a new irrigation system on your landscape is important, as one needs to make sure that they are irrigating the landscape properly and not over-irrigating certain areas. Take a look at some of the issues you should consider before making the installation:

  • Frequency – How often will you be watering your landscape? Are you in a sunny area that needs more water or dealing with a shady landscape that doesn’t get too hot? Walk through the landscape and assess the grounds before making the installation.
  • Landscape Plans – If you have a wide array of landscape plans, such as putting in a garden or decorative flowers, then you want to work your irrigation system around these areas, to avoid any overwatering problems.
  • Watering Times – Knowing what times of the day you are going to water your lawn can factor into your irrigation system decisions. If you like to sleep in, you may want to consider investing in a programmable irrigation system that you can schedule to run digitally. This is also beneficial for homeowners who live in areas with watering restrictions.

Once you have installed your new system, you can come to Southern Green for lawn treatment services. Our team of specialists work in a wide array of areas, providing Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, and Orlando lawn care services.