
Does My Lawn Need Aerating?

Lawn Care Aeration | SouthernGreenUSA.comYou may not think about it often, but lawn aeration is an essential part of taking care of any landscape. When you aerate your landscape, you can rest assured that your lawn will look great and be the envy of all of your neighbors. Here are some tips to help you see if your lawn needs to be aerated:

  • Always Aerate Heavy Traffic Areas – Whether you have a lot of people driving on your landscape or have kids who are frequently playing in the backyard, you should be aerating the lawn regularly. Even a lawn mower can compact your soil. You can tell it’s time to aerate when your grass starts to look thin.
  • Test the Lawn – There is a simple test to help you tell when it’s time to aerate your landscape! All you have to do is take a pencil or screwdriver and shove it into the soil. If it’s hard to get the pencil or screwdriver down, then your soil is definitely compacted and you will need to aerate.
  • Puddled Water – Have you noticed water puddles on your lawn? This means that the soil is very compacted and the water is unable to get into the ground. If it’s staying on top of the lawn, then you know that your roots are not receiving the water and air they need.

If you are ready to aerate your lawn, you can call the professionals at Southern Green. We provide lawn care aeration services throughout the state in Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, and South Florida.

Planning for Pest Management

Lawn Pest Control Tampa FL | SouthernGreenUSA.comCaring for your lawn and fighting pests or weeds is hard. You should make a game plan so you are prepared for the issues you face. Here are some planning tips for any homeowner:

  • Monitor Patterns – Whether you are looking at what happens with the rain, temperatures, or humidity, you should be paying attention to climatic conditions. These records can help you plan for issues that may happen and fight against problems that may lead to pest infestations, weeds, and other troublesome lawn issues.
  • Use Pesticides When Necessary – As a conscious and dedicated homeowner, you know that using pesticides can be harmful to your property. Using pesticides themselves is not the issue, the problem is that you need to make sure that you use these pesticides sparingly so that your lawn does not rely on pesticides to fight weeds, pest infestation, and more.
  • Keep Personal Records – Having records on what you have done to your lawn and paying attention to the records over the years allows you to understand what your lawn will do in the future. This means that you can prepare for things that happen specifically to your landscape every month and will have the knowledge you need to make the right moves.

When it comes to lawn care, you can rest assured the team at Southern Green will assist you. Our business provides lawn pest control in Tampa, FL, as well as Jacksonville, Orlando, and South Florida.

Protecting Your Landscape This Summer

Lawn Care Aeration | SouthernGreenUSA.comThe summer is here and it’s hot out. Here are a few tips to help you improve your landscape while the sun is shining:

Let Your Grass Grow – Did you know that allowing your grass to grow a bit longer during summer months will help roots grow? When you have a landscape with strong, deep roots, you will force weeds to compete with grass for water, thus making it harder for them to grow within the landscape.

Mulch When You Mow – When you mow your grass with the mulching setting, you are helping your grass improve during the summer months. Mulching helps keep your grass cool all summer long, helps hydrate your lawn, and allows precious nutrients in the chopped blades to return to the grass that is in the ground.

Water in the Early Mornings – If we have said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times – you should always water your grass early in the morning. Doing this allows your lawn to get more water before it evaporates and gives it more time to fully dry before the night. If you irrigate when it’s too hot out, you’ll run the risk of boiling your landscape to death.

From lawn care aeration to fertilization, the team at Southern Green is ready and willing to take care of your lawn all summer long! Contact us at (866) 767-0772 to request lawn care in Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, and South Florida.

Growing a New Lawn with Sprigs – Part 3

Lawn Care Tampa | SouthernGreenUSA.comSprigging your landscape can be a tedious process, but there are options out there for you. If you don’t have time to wait for traditional sprigging methods, you can attempt stolonizing, which is also known as broadcast sprigging. Learn more about the many ways you can build a landscape with this important info from our team.

This sprigging method differs from the traditional method by using sprigs that have been prepared by mechanical shredding that are purchased by the bushel or hand-tearing sod into individual sprigs. The sprigs are then spread over the area like mulch by hand. Once spread, the sprigs are cut directly into the soil with a light disc or covered with around a ½ inch of soil. These sprigs are then rolled and watered. It’s very important that you pay attention to your irrigation techniques, as these sprigs are planted very lightly and can dry out easily. Many professionals prefer this method and it is traditionally used to setup berdmudagrass golf landscapes.

Lawn maintenance is important for all new landscapes. Southern Green, your source for lawn care in Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando, and South Florida, are ready to assist you with your lawn through fertilization, weed removal, and pest control methods. Call us at (866) 767-0772 to request our services today.

Growing a New Lawn with Sprigs – Part 2

Lawn Care Service Tampa FL | SouthernGreenUSA.comOnce you have purchased your sprigs, you should get to work planting them as soon as possible. Read on as we continue our series on building a landscape through the sprigging process.

The most efficient way to plant sprigs is to cut shallow furrows in your landscape using a plow or the edge of a hoe. In these furrows, you should place the sprigs about 6 to 12 inches apart on the row. While placing the sprigs, cover part of them with soil and firm the furrow by either stepping on it or rolling it. The closer you can put the sprigs together, the faster your lawn will grow. Additionally, you should never place rows more than 6 to 8 inches apart.

Once your sprigs are firmly in the ground, they should be kept continually moist until the plants have taken root. You can water the areas lightly once or twice a day to allow the roots to grow properly. Overwatering the sprigs will prevent them from taking root. After the first few weeks, you can irrigate the sprigs less frequently until irrigation happens only once or twice a week.

Is your landscape established? Call the team at Southern Green for maintenance services. You can hire us as your lawn care service in Tampa, FL, or request assistance in Jacksonville, Orlando, Miami, or St. Petersburg.

Growing a New Lawn with Sprigs – Part 1

South Florida Lawn Care | SouthernGreenUSA.comWhether you call them runners, stolons, rhizomes, or just sprigs – sprigging is one of the many ways you can build a new landscape. The team at Southern Green has years of experience working with a wide variety of grasses and we want to give you the knowledge you’ll need to build the perfect lawn.

You may be asking yourself – What is a sprig and how can I use it to build a new landscape? One of the cheapest ways to build a lawn, sprigging is a great way to build a Florida lawn on a budget. A sprig is a stem of grass that has at least one node attached to it. There is no soil on a sprig and it has the potential to grow into a full grass plant. A standard sprig should have anywhere from two to four nodes on it. These sprigs will eventually start developing roots which grow into larger grass plants that cover your lawn. You can grow a variety of grasses through the sprigging process, including St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass, zoysiagrass, and bermudagrass.

For more information about building and maintaining your landscape in Florida, you can trust the team at Southern Green. We provide excellent South Florida lawn care in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and surrounding areas, as well as Jacksonville, Tampa, and Orlando.

Picking the Right Shrubs for Your Landscape

Lawn Care Tampa | SouthernGreenUSA.comCreating a beautiful lawn doesn’t mean just growing grass – it also means adding shrubs and ornamental plants to your landscape. Here are some great options for Florida homeowners:

  • African Iris – This is a low-maintenance plant that is known for producing pale yellow flowers in spring. You can select this shrub when you are seeking a selection that has a high dry season tolerance, is resistant to pests, and looks natural within your landscape. Many professionals like this option for borders.
  • Crown of Thorn – A small, cactus-like plant, the crown of thorn is generally selected for people who want to keep animals and people out of their landscape. It has thorns on the stem of the plant, as well as little red flowers that bloom all year long.
  • Aloe – Many Florida homeowners love planting aloe in their yards. This plant does very well in dry conditions and is useful beyond appearance.  The aloe plant has a green leaf that can be used to help soothe burns- especially those Florida sunburns. When you start work on your landscape, a good aloe plant is a wise choice and can also help you recover when you’re finished.

Once you have planted your shrubs, you can have the specialists at Southern Green provide you with ornamental tree and shrub care services. Our business offers lawn care in Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando, and South Florida.

Using Seeds to Start a Lawn – Part 3

Lawn Care St Petersburg FL | SouthernGreenUSA.comNow that your seeds are spread, it’s time to put them in the ground. You can lightly cover them by working them into the soil with a rake. If possible, you should topdress the area with a quarter inch of soil. Once the seeds have been worked into the ground, with good contact between the seeds and the soil, we recommend mulching the area with weed-free grass, hay, or straw.  It’s best to cover at least 50% of the ground in an effort to protect the soil and new seeds. The mulch will help to keep moisture in the ground, keep the seeds from washing away, and prevent the soil from getting too hot.

Once this process is complete, you want to make sure that your seeds are kept moist through proper watering techniques. You should water the grass with a small amount of water at least two to three times a day for two weeks to germinate the seeds, but be careful not to overdo it.  Overwatering can put your new seeds at risk for disease.  As you notice the seeds and root systems developing, you can decrease the watering. Eventually, your landscape will be nice and green!

After growing your lawn, invest in your landscape with help from Southern Green. Our team provides lawn care in St. Petersburg, FL, in addition to Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, and Orlando.

Using Seeds to Start a Lawn – Part 2

Lawn Service Jacksonville FL | SouthernGreenUSA.comHave you picked out the right seed for your landscape? If the answer is yes, then you are ready to start planting! The Southern Green team is here to help you get started.

Before you plant your seeds, you need to make sure the ground is ready. Your lawn should be moist and leveled before your put the seed down to ensure that your ground will accept the seed and it will grow properly. You will also need to rake the ground with a heavy garden rake, as this will create furrows when your seeds are planted.

There are many different ways to seed a lawn, including planting by hand and using mechanical equipment. If you have a larger landscape, you’ll want to consider investing in a seed spreader to make certain you are evenly distributing seed over the area. For the best results, you’ll want to apply half the seeds in one direction, and then apply the other half at a right angle from the first seeding.

Contact the team at Southern Green today when you need help with your new lawn. You can contact us for lawn service in Jacksonville, FL, as well as Orlando, Tampa, Miami, and many other South Florida locations.

Using Seeds to Start a Lawn – Part 1

Starting a lawn can be daunting! Whether you are planting a new lawn in your brand-new home or are just starting from scratch, seeding may be your best choice, as it is the easiest and most economical choice.

The best time to plant depends on your location. If you are located in North Florida, you should plan to seed your lawn from April to July. Individuals trying to grow in South Florida can seed all year long. The key to seeding with warm season grass in Florida is to start during the spring and summer, as this allows a full growing season before any possible cold weather starts.

While you are planning, you should consider what kind of grass you want to grow. If you do not have a lot of money to spend, you may need to consider the amount of seeds you need for your landscape. Bahiagrass needs as much as 10 pounds of scarified seed for a 1,000 square foot landscape, while you only need a quarter pound of centipedegrass seed for the same space. Take a look at the current prices at your hardware store or plant nursery.

Do you need assistance with your new landscape? The specialists at Southern Green can help. We are known for providing unparalleled lawn care in Jacksonville, FL, as well as Orlando, Tampa, and South Florida!