Choosing Quality Seed for Your Lawn

south florida lawn careSeeding your lawn is the easiest way to establish a new landscape, but it also requires patience and dedication. Before seeding your lawn, considering the seeding time, rate, and method of seeding is necessary. Perhaps one of the most important aspects to consider is seed quality.

When you are choosing seed for your lawn, you should take the time to do your research. Florida laws require that each container of seed lists vital information, such as turfgrass species, purity, and weed content. While you are making your purchase, you should review each tag carefully and only purchase seeds that have a purity level of at least 90% and a germination level of at least 85%. Many contractors tend to buy seed that doesn’t have as high of a purity and germination percentage and it shows in the landscapes they create. If someone else is installing your landscape, consult with them to make sure you are receiving the best seed available for your landscape.

Once your seeds have sprouted and your lawn is established, you can hire the team at Southern Green to take care of your landscape. We offer North, Central, and South Florida lawn care services, including pest control, lawn aeration, and fertilization services.

Pests and Their Effect on Zoysiagrass

lawn pest control orlando flWhen you plant a new lawn of Zoysiagrass, it’s vital that you know about the pest issues you may be facing. From insects and nematodes to grass diseases, knowing what type of problems you will be dealing with ahead of time is very important. Here are just a few of the problems you may face:

  • Hunting Billbugs – Billbugs are the most serious insect problems for Zoysiagrass. These creatures feed on the roots of this grass, causing it to die in oddly-shaped patches. When you have a billbug problem, the solution is periodic chemical control.
  • Nematodes – Some have said that nematodes are the most serious pests when it comes to Zoysiagrass. These microscopic worms are known to attach the grass roots and, when not under control, will eventually kill the entire turf.
  • Grass Diseases – Brown patch, rust, and dollar spot are the biggest disease issues when it comes to lawn disease problems. When you regularly water the landscape and frequently fertilize your lawn, you can fight these issues with ease.

Lawn pest control is one of the many specialties of the team at Southern Green. Our staff offers lawn pest control in Orlando, FL, as well as a variety of other areas like Jacksonville, Miami, and Tampa.

Controlling Weeds with Mulch

lawn care tampaAre you having problems with weeds on your landscape? There are a lot of control methods you can do to take care of them, such as mowing, pulling, and herbicide application. If you are having weed problems in your garden, footpaths, or any other areas where grass does not usually grow, mulch may be the natural answer to your problems.

Laying down a mulch of non-living materials to prevent light from reaching the ground is a very effective way to fight weeds. You can put down a wide array of mulching materials, such as straw, sawdust, hay, plastic film, and the traditional wood chips. By laying down a minimum of 2 inches of this material, you’ll find that this is a very effective, long-term way to fight weeds. It is important to remember that your mulch can move, so you should be mindful while mowing around these areas. Mulch can cause accidents that may hurt someone or ruin your hard work when hit by a mower.

Investing in your landscape is simple when you hire the superb specialists at Southern Green. We offer lawn care in Tampa, Jacksonville, and Orlando, as well as many South Florida cities. Come to us to learn more about how our lawn treatment services can improve your landscape.

Common Pests in St. Augustinegrass

pest control jacksonville flWhen installing a new lawn of St. Augustinegrass, it’s important to know about the common pest that can affect your landscape. When you know the signs of common pests, you’ll be able to take care of them before they become a problem.

Typically most St. Augustinegrass lawns have issues with chinch bugs. These insects suck plant juices through a needlelike beak, turning your grass yellow or brown. If you suspect that your lawn could have a chinch bug infestation, check your lawn by removing the ends of a coffee can, inserting one end into the soil at the damage area, and filling it with water. The chinch bugs should float to the top within five minutes. Standard single insecticide treatments may not take care of your problem, so it’s important to work with the specialists.

In addition to chinch bugs, webworms, armyworms, mole crickets, and grass loopers often cause problems in St. Augustinegrass. If you have high levels of nitrogen fertilizer in your grass, then you are more likely to have problems with these pests.

Are you noticing pests in your lawn? The staff at Southern Green offer lawn pest control in Jacksonville, FL, as well as Miami, Orlando, and Tampa. Contact us today to inquire about our services and have one of our specialists inspect your landscape today.

The Advantages of Bermudagrass for Homeowners

pest control jacksonville flBermudagrass is one of the most widely used warm weather grasses throughout the South, so it’s very likely you have seen it in a variety of places. Whether you are trying to upgrade your landscape or just interested in devoting more time to your lawn, there are many advantages to investing in a bermudagrass. Take a look at some of the advantages:

  • Dense Turf – If you are interested in a bright, medium green turf that is very dense, then bermudagrass is right for your lawn. This is one of the many reasons the grass is chosen for athletic fields.
  • Establishment – Bermudagrass establishes very quickly, which is ideal for someone interested in putting together a landscape in a fast manner. It also is able to out-compete most weeds.
  • Drought Tolerance – When you need a lawn that will tolerate those long stretches without any rain, Bermudagrass is an exceptional option.

It’s important to weigh your options before you settle on a new turfgrass for your landscape. When you have made the final decision, you can count on the Southern Green team to provide you with excellent lawn care and pest control in Jacksonville, FL, as well as many other cities throughout Florida. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

Zoysiagrass Cultivators – Zoysia Matrella

south florida lawn careZoysiagrass is a distinct grass that is ideal for anyone interested in establishing a unique landscape. There are many varieties available, including Zoysia matrella, which is more commonly known as Manilagrass. This type of grass came to the United States in 1912 from Manila and is known for having a finer and denser turf than Zoysia japonica. Many say that it resembles bermudagrass in color, quality, and texture. Here are some of the cultivators of Manilagrass:

  • Cavalier – This long-leaved grass is known to make a very attractive turf during summer and is perfect for people seeking grass options for golf course fairways, home lawns, and sports fields. Furthermore, it has a good resistance to army worms and tropical webworms.
  • Diamond – Released from Texas A&M in 1996, this vegetatively propagated option is special because of its fine texture, great shade tolerance, and fast growth. Many individuals have used this on experimental golf greens with varying levels of success.

Whether you are interested in lawn aeration, shrub and tree care, or fertilization services, the team at Southern Green is available to provide you with the lawn care services you need. We do exceptional South Florida lawn care services, as well as lawn care in Jacksonville and Orlando.

Monitoring for Pests in Your Lawn

pest control jacksonville flAs we leave the dog days of summer behind us, it’s still important to monitor your lawn to make sure you have no pests setting up shop on your landscape. From spring to winter, it’s vital that you inspect any problem areas to spot pests like ants, grubs, and crickets. By doing this, you’ll be able to prevent a larger infestation.

When you are inspecting your lawn for pests, you should be checking for activity ever fourteen days in the winter and ever seven to ten days all other times of the year. You know your lawn better than anyone else, so you should always be checking out spots where damage tends to recur. You’ll want to look in any spots that look brown or thin, as these are signs of pest infestations, as well as disease, drought, and nutritional disorders. By keeping up with your own inspections, you’ll be able to put a stop to expensive damage and make sure you are doing the right pesticide applications.

Are you looking for a company to help you with your lawn pest problems? The dedicated crew at Southern Green provides pest control in Jacksonville, FL, as well as Orlando, Tampa, and South Florida cities. Contact us today and discover what kind of services we can perform for you!

Deep Tillage for Your New Lawn

lawn care jacksonville flThere are many steps you should take when establishing a new lawn. From testing the soil to laying down sod, it’s vital that you take your time and make sure you do everything right. By following the rules, you are able to build a magnificent lawn that will impress your neighbors and increase your property value.

After you have made soil amendments, the next step should be performing deep tillage on your landscape. Rototilling your lawn loosens soil that has been compacted, as well as improves the speed and depth of your grass roots. If you have done any soil amendments, as well as added lime or fertilizer to your soil, you should till the soil as deep as possible. Most experts recommend that you till as deep as 8 inches. You can use a tractor-mounted tiller or a self-propelled rotary tiller to complete the task in an efficient manner.

Once your Florida lawn has been established, it’s time to start working with the specialists at Southern Green. We provide lawn care in Jacksonville, FL, as well as Orlando, Tampa, and many South Florida cities. Whether you’re looking for lawn treatment services like lawn aeration or pest control assistance, it is our duty to keep your yard looking magnificent.

The Disadvantages of Bermudagrass for Homeowners

lawn care st petersburg flIf you’ve ever been out on a golf course, played on an athletic field, or lived in a high-profile neighborhood, it’s likely you are familiar with bermudagrass. It’s one of the most widely used warm season grasses in the South, but it is not always the right choice for homeowners. Here are a few of the disadvantages to using bermudagrass:

  • Tolerance – Bermudagrass is known for having poor tolerance to many insects, disease, and nematode pests, which limits the use in most home lawn sites.
  • Aggressive Growth – This turfgrass is known to grow aggressively from aboveground and belowground stems that can invade landscape and flower beds very quickly. Additionally, this speedy growth encourages thatch buildup.
  • Shade and Cold – Typically, bermudagrass has trouble growing in the cold and in the shade. If you live in a chillier part of Florida or have a lot of trees, you may want to consider another grass for your landscape.

Whether you have bermudagrass or not, the team at Southern Green is available to provide you with dependable lawn care services, including fertilization, pest control, and aeration services. Contact us to learn more about receiving lawn care in St. Petersburg, FL, as well as Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, and Tampa.

Zoysiagrass Cultivators – Zoysia Japonica

lawn care jacksonville flAlso known as Japanese or Korean lawngrass,  Zoysia japonica is one of the many great grass options available to Florida residents. This type of grass was introduced to the US in 1895 and has quickly become a popular selection for individuals seeking grass that has a fast growth rate and excellent cold tolerance. There are many great options available, including:

  • Belaire – Developed by the USDA and released in 1985, this option is great for individuals seeking medium green grass. It’s got an open growth habit, a coarser leaf texture, and a fast establishment rate.
  • El Toro – This California version of Zoysiagrass is known for its cool season color, low thatch buildup, and increased shade tolerance. When you are interested in establishing a lawn quickly, this is a great lawngrass for you.
  • Empress – For a grass with a fine-bladed texture, a tight growth habit, and green color, try this native version of Zoysia japonica. Many people seeking soft textured turf for homes, golf courses, and parks like this selection.

Once you have established your lawn, you can rest assured that the staff at Southern Green can provide you with unparalleled lawn care in Jacksonville, FL, as well as Orlando, Tampa, and Miami.