What to Look for When Nematodes Infest Your St. Augustinegrass Lawn

lawn pest control jacksonville flIf you have had a St. Augustinegrass lawn for a while, then you know very well that there are several types of nematodes that can infest your landscape. Dealing with these creatures can be complicated because they are hard to see or not existent to the human eye.

Nematode problems typically occur around late April and early May, as well as late August and early September. Symptoms of nematode damage include issues like thin sand density, weakened root systems, and slow growth, as well as slow recovery time following rain or irrigation. To properly determine that you are dealing with a nematode infestation, you need to have a sample of your soil tested via a laboratory test.

If your test comes back positive, there are a variety of ways you can fight the infestation. Raising your mowing height, irrigating less frequently but with more water, and making sure you use potassium and phosphorus on your soil are all excellent ways to help eliminate the infestation.

When you are dealing with pests in your lawn, the talented specialists at Southern Green are available to help you. We offer lawn pest control in Jacksonville, FL, as well as Orlando, Tampa, and throughout South Florida. Call us today at (866) 767-0772 to inquire about our outdoor pest services.

Establishing a St. Augustinegrass Lawn

lawn care tampaStarting a new lawn is a great way to improve your property value and impress your neighbors. Starting a St. Augustinegrass lawn is an excellent project, as this grass is perfect for nearly any Florida lawn.

Experts typically recommend establishing a St. Augustinegrass lawn in the spring or early summer. The reason behind this is that is allows the grass to properly grow and take root before the winter slows down the growth of the grass. There are many different ways to grow your grass, including sodding, sprigging, and plugging. Sodding is typically the best option, as it allows you to have an instant lawn.

Once you have put your grass down, it is vital that you water the grass as often as possible. You should try to run your irrigation system in short, repeated sessions throughout the day. This will help the root system establish and become viable. Once the roots have gotten a chance to really get down into the soil, you can start mowing your landscape.

From lawn care in Tampa to pest control services in Jacksonville, Southern Green provides exceptional lawn services throughout the state of Florida. We are available to fertilize your lawn, take care of your shrubbery, and make sure that your overall landscape looks magnificent.

St. Augustinegrass Cultivators Part 2

lawn care jacksonville flIn our last post, we highlighted a few of the great St. Augustinegrass cultivators available for your landscape. Today, we are sharing some more selections! Choosing St. Augustinegrass for your lawn does not mean that you have to have the same landscape as your neighbors. Check out these cultivators to make your lawn standout from the crowd:

Seville – This cultivator is a semi-dwarf, fine-leaf variety of St. Augustinegrass that has a dark green color and low growth habit. Because this cultivator has a compact growth habit, it is prone to thatch and typically has shallow rooting.

Bitterblue – For a grass with a fine, dense texture and a dark blue green color, Bitterblue is the cultivator for you. People have been using this variety of St. Augustinegrass since the 1930s, as it has good cold and shade tolerance.

Floratine – An updated version of Bitterblue, this cultivator is known for its fine leaf texture and short growth habit that allows for closer mowing than common St. Augustinegrass. The characteristics are so similar to Bitterblue, many have problems telling the two apart.

Invest in your property when you choose lawn care services from the crew at Southern Green. We have more than 17 years of experience providing personalized lawn, shrub, and outdoor pest control services to homeowners throughout Florida. Come to us for lawn care in Jacksonville, FL, as well as Miami, Tampa, and Orlando.

St. Augustinegrass Cultivators Part 1

lawn care aerationA lot of people use St. Augustinegrass for their Florida landscapes, but did you know that there are many different types available? Whether you are looking for selections that have a lighter leaf color or are interested in grass that doesn’t grow aggressively in winter temperatures, the options available are plentiful. Take a look at some of these great cultivators:

Floralawn – Establish a landscape that is resistant to chinch bugs, sod webworms, and brown patches when you choose this selection for your lawn. This cultivator should be grown in mild environments, as well as in full sun or moderate shade.

Palmetto – This cultivator is known for its excellent growth habits and being able to grow in full sun or partial shade. People like to choose this cultivator because it has shorter leaf blades and internodes than most other cultivators.

Delmar – Great shade tolerance, a dark green color, and wonderful cold tolerance are just some of the great features of this cultivator. That said, it is known to have a slow lateral runner growth and is susceptible to chinch bugs, sod webworms, and brown patch disease.

Finding the right grass for your landscape can be complicated, so, once your landscape has been established, don’t let it die! The dedicated team at Southern Green is available to help. We provide a wide array of lawn services, including lawn care aeration, fertilization, and pest management services. Contact us at (866) 767-0772 to request assistance in Jacksonville, Orlando, and South Florida.

Fertilizing Your Landscape with Compost

lawn care st petersburg flMany people have heard of using compost as an organic lawn fertilizer, but they do not know how to use it. Compost is an organic, carbon-containing product that has gone through some period of decay. Generally, it will consist of vegetative matter, sewage sludge, cottonseed meal, and peat, amongst other materials.

When you are using compost before planting, you should add it directly to the soil. If you make sure that some of the larger material has been screened out, you can apply ½- to 1-inch of your compost as a topdressing to your lawn. When you purchase commercial organic compost in the store, you should check the sides of the packaging for a nutrient analysis label to see what nutrients it will add to your soil. If you choose to make your own compost, it is important to have it tested periodically to make sure there are beneficial nutrients being provided. Compost will always contain carbon and nitrogen, but you may need to find an additional source of nitrogen and additional plant nutrients.

Your landscape is important to us and we want to take care of it! Southern Green provides lawn care in St. Petersburg, FL, as well as Miami, Orlando, and Jacksonville. From lawn pest control to lawn care aeration services, we are prepared to improve your lawn!

Grass Clippings and Your Lawn

lawn care tampaDo you use a mower that recycles grass clippings? Many people swear by these types of mowers, while others swear at them, claiming that grass clippings ruin lawns. We have good news for the people who have mulching mowers – our research has shown that clippings are beneficial to your landscape!

When it comes to your Florida lawn, it is a wise idea to mow with a mulching mower. The clippings help recycle the nutrients back to the soil and do not contribute to thatch, as others say. Thatch is the layer of already dead and decomposing organic matter that rests on top of your soil and below the grass leaves. When you contribute clippings to the ground, they are readily decomposed by microbial action. This means you won’t have to deal with the clippings, as thatch is typically made up of stems, rhizomes, and other hard to degrade components. With that said, if you have issues with thatch and notice your clippings are beginning to clump, you can rake them to make sure they are distributed evenly.

Whether you believe in recycling the clippings or always spend time bagging after you mow the lawn, you can find exceptional lawn care in Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando, and South Florida from the talented team at Southern Green.

Mowing Your Bermudagrass Lawn

lawn care orlando flKeeping your lawn healthy and attractive means making sure that you adopt proper mowing practices. After you have established your landscape of green Bermudagrass and made sure your irrigation system is working properly, it’s time to start properly mowing your lawn.

Typically, your bermudagrass lawn should be mowed to a height of approximately ¾ to 1 ½ inches. If you mow any lower, it leaves the grass more susceptible to weed and pest problems. Depending on your location and the time of year, this may mean mowing your lawn as often as three times a week. You want to make sure that you are mowing it at the highest recommended level possible, as it encourages your grass to develop a better root system. It is recommended that you invest in a reel mower when working with bermudagrass, as the height can be more accurately adjusted. It also has a cleaner cut. If you only have a rotary mower, it is important to make sure the blades are properly sharpened and adjusted properly.

Hire the team at Southern Green to assist you with your bermudagrass landscape. We offer lawn care in Orlando, FL, as well as Tampa, Jacksonville, and Miami. We are available to assist you with pest problems, as well as fertilization, shrubbery care, and aeration issues.

Establishing a Zoysiagrass Lawn

lawn care st petersburg fl

The process of establishing your own lawn can often be frustrating, but with a little patience and skill, you can create a beautiful lawn that will impress anyone. Zoysiagrass is typically planted by sod, plugs, or sprigs. All you need to do is make sure that your soil is properly prepared and choose one of the following:

  • Sodding – Produce an instant turf of Zoysiagrass when you choose this method. When laying down sod, you should make sure that it is laid on moist soil, watering it at least two times a day until the sod holds fast.
  • Plugging – This is a relatively slow method of planting Zoysiagrass. It’s vital that your plugs are planted on 6 to 8 inch centers. Once planted, it usually takes at least one whole season for complete coverage.
  • Sprigging – Sprigging is a very time consuming, yet effective way of planting Zoysiagrass. You should plant your sprigs in rows that are 6 inches apart and leave a portion of each sprig exposed to light. While doing this process, your soil should stay moist until new growth begins and the area is completely covered.

Zoysia grass is an investment that pays off, so you should make sure that your landscape receives the care it deserves. Our specialists at Southern Green offer a wide array of services throughout Florida, including lawn care in St. Petersburg, FL, as well as Jacksonville, Orlando, and Miami.

Choosing Turfgrass for Shady Landscapes

lawn care orlando flLiving in an area that has a lot of shade presents a variety of issues to individuals who want to grow a beautiful lawn. Whether you are building a new home and setting up a lawn for the first time or interested in revitalizing your current lawn, it’s important to make sure you choose the right turfgrass for your shaded landscape.

As usual, St. Augustinegrass is the best overall species for growth in shade, as this is one of the best and most versatile turfgrasses for Florida landscapes. You should look for ‘Seville’ and ‘Delmar’ cultivars, as they have the best shade tolerance. You can also choose Zoysiagrass for your shady landscape. Any cultivar of this turfgrass will be good for your landscape. It should also be noted that Bahiagrass is not recommended for shady conditions, but some centipedegrass will tolerate moderate conditions. If your landscape has a large amount of shade, Bahiagrass is not the right choice for your needs.

From taking care of your turfgrass to assisting you with your with trees and shrubbery, Southern Green is ready to plan a custom lawn treatment service to fit your needs. Whether your lawn is in the shade or right out in the sun, we provide lawn care in Orlando, FL, as well as Jacksonville, Tampa, and Miami.

Watering Your Bermudagrass Lawn

south florida lawn careAfter you have established a bermudagrass lawn, it’s important that you properly water it to make sure it remains lush and green. You should make sure that you have a good irrigation system installed in your landscape to guarantee it receives the water it needs!

Bermudagrass is a “water as needed” grass. This means that the only times you’ll need to run your sprinkler system is when the leave blades begin to wilt or start turning blue-grey in color. You should only apply as much as ¾ of an inch of water to your landscape while watering. If necessary, you should run tests on your sprinkler system to make sure it is watering your grass properly. The roots are only in the top 8 inches of soil, so it’s important to be mindful of the amount of water you are putting on your grass.

If there is a prolonged drought, your Bermuda grass will go dormant. During this period, it will turn brown and stop growing. Once the drought is over, it will revive and start growing again with the proper amount of water.

Are you prepared to have someone assist you with your beautiful new landscape? The specialists at Southern Green are available to assist you! We provide dependable North, Central, and South Florida lawn care services, including pest control and fertilization services. Call us to inquire about our availability!