Using Pest-Free Propagating Material

Lawn Pest Control Tampa FL | SouthernGreenUSA.comStarting an integrated pest management strategy means finding the most logical ways to stop pests from infesting your landscape. There are many different IPM control tactics you can take that cover cultural, biological, and chemical strategies. Amongst these options is using pest-free propagating material.

Perhaps the easiest method of preventing pest infestation, pest-free propagating material is the perfect way to fight pests in your landscape. This is material, such as seeds, sprigs, and sod, which is completely free of pests. The state of Florida has a program to certify these materials.  Each bag of seed must include purity and germination percentage information, as well as info about weeds. If you are installing grass from sprigs or sod, you should take the time to check it for weeds, fire ants, or any other pests. You can also ask to see the results from a nematode assay of the planting material. Any business that values their clientele will have this information handy for your review.

When you need further assistance with pests or are interested in starting your own IMP plan, you can rest assured that the team at Southern Green will help you. Our business provides lawn pest control in Tampa, Florida, as well as Jacksonville, Orlando, and Miami.

Installing Irrigation Equipment for Your New Lawn

Lawn Care Tampa | SouthernGreenUSA.comWhen you are establishing a new lawn, it’s important to make sure that you have everything installed as soon as possible. While checking your soil and choosing your grass, it’s vital to speak with an irrigation specialist about installing the right sprinkler system for you location and type of grass.

Installing a new irrigation system means you must make sure that the design, construction, and operation of your sprinklers is effective. If you have a system that has not been installed properly or is poorly designed, your lawn will reflect it. Speak with the specialist about your needs and make sure they have the ability to install a system that can deliver the proper amount of water for your grass in a uniform method. Once your grass has been established, it’s also important to note that you should turn off any automatic watering settings. We recommend that you only water your grass on an “as needed” basis.

Don’t get stressed out about taking care of your new lawn! You can count on the dedicated team at Southern Green to provide you with exceptional lawn care in Tampa, Jacksonville, Miami, and many other cities all over Florida. From lawn care aeration to pest control services, our team works hard to keep your landscape looking magnificent.

Why Chose Seashore Paspalum for Your Lawn

South Florida Lawn Care | SouthernGreenUSA.comDesigning a distinct lawn starts with the selection of a distinct grass. Although it has been in the US for hundreds of years, seashore paspalum grass has only been marketed as residential turf since the mid to late 1990s. It is a warm season grass that is native to tropical and subtropical regions across the world. Many people are already using this grass for their homes, so why should you choose it when starting a new lawn? Here are some great benefits of seashore paspalum grass:

  • Seashore paspalum is known for producing a dense, dark turf grass that has a relatively low fertility inputs. In fact, it has mostly been marketed for golf and athletic use.
  • This grass is very tolerant to saline, recycled water, wear, and reduced water input. It should be noted that while it can go without water, it still needs regular watering to keep it green.
  • It is tolerant to long periods of low light. If you are dealing with prolonged cloudy or rainy periods, you won’t have to worry about your grass dying.
  • Seashore paspalum produces a dense root system, which keeps it strong and gives it a good tolerance to most stressors.

Are you interested in learning more about this great turf grass? The team at Southern Green is here to help! We provide quality North, Central, and South Florida lawn care services for your home.

The Disadvantages of St. Augustinegrass

Lawn Care Jacksonville FL | SouthernGreenUSA.comThere are many different grasses on the market for your Florida lawn. Many homes feature St. Augustinegrass. Overall, this is a versatile grass that grows well in most areas throughout Florida, but it’s not always the perfect grass for your landscape. Before making your decision, be sure to review these commonly encountered issues with St. Augustinegrass:

  • Thatch Problems – This grass produces excessive thatch with frequent irrigation and moderate to high fertilization. Having too much thatch makes your landscape look patchy and unattractive.
  • Weather Tolerance – Some varieties of St. Augustinegrass are very susceptible to cold weather damage. If you are new to the area, check the temperatures to see if this option is right for you.
  • Corse Leaf Texture – Many people who walk barefoot on St. Augustinegrass find the leaves too coarse. If you plan on spending time on your lawn, make sure it’s not too coarse before you put it down.

If you already have St. Augustinegrass, don’t worry.  This doesn’t mean you have a “bad” lawn.  Every type of grass comes with advantages and disadvantages.  Educating yourself on the type of grass that makes up your Florida lawn can help you to take better care of it.  To learn more about avoiding issues like thatch and weather tolerance problems, or to completely update your landscape, come to Southern Green. We provide lawn care in Jacksonville, FL, as well as Orlando, Tampa, and Miami.

The Difference between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers

South Florida Lawn Care | SouthernGreenUSA.comStaying organic is very important to some people. Eating organic food is important, but people also want to make sure items like their cosmetics and clothing also come from organic sources. When taking care of your lawn, there is a lot of confusion over the advantages and disadvantages of using organic or inorganic fertilizers.

When it comes right down to it, the choice is really up to the consumer. For example, using organic nitrogen sources to fertilize your lawn means a slow release of nitrogen, as well as less leaching loss. These organic selections are typically more expensive than inorganic and may contain weed seeds that could potentially contaminate your landscape. On the other hand, inorganic fertilizers are more affordable by the pound and may have greater efficiency. Of course, these also come with risks such as fertilizer burn and rapid leaching.

Whether you decided to move forward with organic or inorganic fertilizers, it’s important to make sure you fertilize your Florida lawn regularly. When you hire our team for South Florida lawn care services, you can inquire about the availability of organic options. We are proud to serve cities all over the state, including Miami, Tampa, Orlando, and Jacksonville.

Renovating an Established Lawn

Lawn Care Orlando FL | SouthernGreenUSA.comRenovating your lawn can be a big undertaking. Similar to establishing a new lawn, there are many important steps you must take to get the ground ready for your new grass. Review the following steps to learn more about how you can succeed at a landscape renovation:

  • Reconsider Your Lawn Treatment Processes – If you need to renovate your landscape, there is probably a good reason for it. Take some time to review your treatment and maintenance processes to make sure you are doing the right thing for your lawn.
  • Use Roundup – When you need to remove vegetation from your landscape, you’ll need to use glyphosate, also known as Roundup, to completely remove everything. You should perform two applications within 14 days of each to guarantee that all vegetation is completely removed.
  • Do a Soil Test – If your lawn needs renovation, the soil may be part of the issue. It’s important to make sure you test the soil anytime you put new grass down to determine the pH balance.

Contact the staff at Southern Green to learn more about lawn renovation and general treatment services. Our business is proud to provide lawn care in Orlando, FL, as well as Miami, Tampa, and Jacksonville. We are known for providing exceptional custom lawn treatments.

Performing a Soil Analysis

lawn care in St. Petersburg FL | SouthernGreenUSA.comWhen you are preparing to establish a new lawn, there are many processes you need to follow to prepare the soil for your grass. Removing debris, installing irrigation equipment, tilling the landscape, and doing soil amendments are just some of the necessary preparations. It’s also a smart plan to do a soil analysis, which determines the pH value and let you know if any pH adjustments are necessary.

Once you are ready to do an analysis, you need to collect small plugs or garden trowels of soil from 15 to 20 different locations around the landscape. These samples should only come from the top six inches of soil. Once collected, you can combine the samples and send them to the UF/IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory, as well as any of the local county extension offices. If the pH is too low, then you can apply dolomitic limestone – also known as dolomite – to raise the soil pH.

From helping you with your recently established lawn to providing care for a lawn that has been around for a while, the specialists at Southern Green are ready to assist you. Our business offers exceptional , as well as Miami, Orlando, Tampa, and Jacksonville.

The Importance of Turf Density

Lawn Care Tampa | SouthernGreenUSA.comHave you ever looked at someone’s lawn and wondered how it looks so lush and green? It’s likely that these people have done research to make sure they chose the right grass for their landscape. Turf density is measured by the number of leaves or shoots per area. Whether you are interested in replacing your grass or just want to make sure your new lawn looks perfect, it’s a smart idea to choose a selection with a higher density and a fine leaf texture. These grasses generally produce high-quality lawns.

Hybrid Bermudagrasses and zoysiagrass generally are amongst some of the highest density grasses available for Florida landscapes. You can choose sod, sprigs, plugs and seed when you are planting bermudagrasses, while zoysiagrasses establish via sod, plugs, and sprigs. When choosing your new grass, you should stay away from bahiagrass, as it has a low stand density. Most of the other warm weather grasses have a medium density.

When you are seeking fertilization and lawn aeration services in Jacksonville or interested in lawn care in Tampa, the dedicated team at Southern Green is available to take care of your landscape. We have years of experience working with a wide array of grasses, so you can rest assured we will make your landscape look magnificent.

The Damage Caused by Chinch Bugs

Lawn Pest Control Tampa FL | SouthernGreenUSA.comHaving a chinch bug infestation can ruin your lawn! Aside from killing your grass, these little critters also lower your property value and make outdoor activities uncomfortable for you and your family. It’s imperative to recognize a chinch bug infestation quickly so that you can take action against it!

Typically, chinch bugs prefer sunny areas of St. Augustinegrass, including areas that are near sidewalks and driveways. While infesting your grass, these bugs suck fluids from your grass, turning it yellow and killing it. Chinch bugs generally feed in groups, so you may notice an increase in dead patches of grass as they travel throughout your landscape. These infestations usually happen from March to October in South Florida and April to September in North Florida. You can control these bugs with resistant grass, beneficial insects, or pesticides.

If you notice chinch bugs on your lawn, it’s best to call the professionals right away! You can contact the specialists at Southern Green to request affordable assistance with any pests that are ruining your landscape. We are known for providing exceptional lawn pest control in Tampa, FL, as well as Jacksonville, Orlando, and Miami. Our team is ready to help you enjoy a comfortable, pest-free home.

Why We Water Our Plants

Lawn Care Jacksonville FL | SouthernGreenUSA.comEveryone knows that having a beautiful lawn means making sure that it is watered properly, but it’s knowing your grass and the volume of water it truly needs that can make the difference between a thriving green backyard and excessive thatch. The science behind how water helps your lawn (and other plants) grow is pretty interesting – and important knowledge for anyone taking care of a garden or landscape.

Perhaps most importantly, water is necessary for photosynthesis. When water combines with light and carbon dioxide, photosynthesis gives the plant the necessary carbon for growth and storage. Water also helps cool the plants in the hot sun in a process called transpiration. When it comes to grass, water helps it withstand wear, soil problems, and high temperatures, as well as issues related to nutrient deficiencies. It’s vital to make sure that you properly irrigate your lawn – water is good for your landscape but too much of watering is usually the cause of lawn failure.

You can make sure that your landscape is healthy and green when you choose lawn treatment services from Southern Green. From lawn aeration services to dealing with pests, we are ready and willing to transform your lawn into a relaxing, beautiful place for you and your family. Contact us today to learn more about our lawn treatments. Our business provides lawn care in Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, and many South Florida cities.